Chiara Aliotta Chiara Aliotta

#14. Create your Vision Board using the Power of Storytelling

In this issue, I will explain how you can use Donald Miller’s StoryBrand Framework to create a vision board that aligns with your goals, tackles key areas of your life, and inspires action. I create my vision board using this storytelling technique that I typically use to help my clients visualise their businesses. With creativity and adaptation, we can apply the same structure to envision our lives and the year to come.

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Chiara Aliotta Chiara Aliotta

#10. Three reasons why you should adopt visual storytelling

In this issue, I want to delve deeper into visual storytelling, which is perhaps one of the most recognised aspects of my work. I will explain why and how you should start adopting this approach to enrich your digital products with a more engaging narrative, even if you are not an illustrator yourself!

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Chiara Aliotta Chiara Aliotta

#7. Using storytelling to research innovative ideas

Every product needs to stand the test of time and even very established companies operate in an ever-changing world that constantly needs innovative ideas. In this issue, I want to introduce two useful tools I use even before I open my sketch pad – the Research and the Sensemaking Map – that help me explore new ideas and create more authentic, future-focused products.

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