#14. Create your Vision Board using the Power of Storytelling
In this issue, I will explain how you can use Donald Miller’s StoryBrand Framework to create a vision board that aligns with your goals, tackles key areas of your life, and inspires action. I create my vision board using this storytelling technique that I typically use to help my clients visualise their businesses. With creativity and adaptation, we can apply the same structure to envision our lives and the year to come.
#12. Become a Story Machine! Storytelling Books for Designers (Part I)
In this issue, I recommend several essential books for designers, each centered on a different area of design, yet all connected by the theme of storytelling. The goal is that you will soon become a Story Machine yourself!
#11. A survival kit for creative minds: three storytelling tools to inspire you!
While there are tons of informative articles about creativity just waiting to be Googled, I think we each have our own personal ways of staying creative. That said, I do have a ‘Survival Kit for Creativity’, so I will now share three tools that form part of this essential kit!