CTA Website
CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation) is an organisation based in the Netherlands. Its mission is to advance food security, resilience and inclusive economic growth in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP countries), through innovations in sustainable agriculture.
Art Direction
UI/UX Design
Design System

The Project. The Story.
The Protagonists
During the last few years, CTA has invested in improving and reinforcing its brand. In light of these changes, many company websites have undergone a general redesign and realignment.
However, the main CTA website needed not only a new ‘face’, but also a way to organise content that has grown exponentially and unorganically throughout the previous decade.
The Plot
My first step was to understand the type of information I could render on the website. I began by creating an exhaustive list of all the available content types, even before designing the first wireframe.
It was then important to build a new digital product that would allow CTA to create a highly personalised news experience that could be customised to its main area of focus.
For this reason, the main home page has been conceived as the entry point to the different CTA’s areas of focus, giving a general overview of the activities the organisation is currently involved with. Each specific topic is then incorporated within its own mini-site, which converges results, case studies and news that narrate CTA’s main achievements.
In this way, the area of focus could also be explored and promoted independently by the home page, giving CTA new tools with which to describe their involvement and achievements in ACP countries.
All news could be connected on different levels: by topic, tags, keywords, regions affected, partners involved, and events. This offers the user both new levels of interaction, and the chance to follow a thread of articles and information, without losing track of the main topic.
The Results
Connecting, organising and consolidating the arrangement of information in this way helped CTA to reduce their 300 websites to just three main sites, in under two years.